Thought For The Day

Why is Art Important?

It has been quite a while since our last post. We wanted to tell you we are back at things here, with a our vision to support parents, teachers, and individuals to help grow self expression in everyone. Now, after that bold statement, we wanted to share this wonderful infographic by TheArtist.Me. Sadly, we do not see it as available to purchase anymore as our old link shows us an expired product. And yet, the design is still stellar. (Image links out to the site)

Everything we see or touch is created by someone, designed by someone. It’s deep currents affect pop-culture and all media. Now more than ever it’s effects are felt. So the question we are asking today, is “Why is art important?” But really, what art has been getting you through these hard times?

Are you reading, watching shows, consuming any visual content, playing games?

We are consuming art at a daily rate. Today, if you feel like it, make note of any the visual representation that is brought to you today. Be it through photos in articles, the way a thumbnail is designed on your app, or any number of creators on any social media. Visual content, filters, design. It is everywhere.

Enjoy what you attract to, note what irritates you. And maybe scribble a little. Or just watch others scribble. Now, it is time for us to go scribble.

We hope you enjoyed this thought for the day. Read you later, cheers.