“Bring On The Art Boxes” Are Coming Soon

Bring On The Art® is done taking feedback for our Art Box! Roll-out for these has been delayed due to the pandemic.

Thank you for all your notes and requests. Please stay tuned.

Everyone is an artist because everyone has a need to express themselves.
— Krisztianna, Founder & Owner


It can be daunting. Time is precious, space even more so. Where do I start? What do I need? We are here to lower the barriers of entry into the world of self expression, story-telling, and creation.

Sketchbooks, coloring books, and all manner of “art-kits” to take the guesswork out of what to buy. There will be free lessons on YouTube to help educate about the products available.

Sketchbooks, coloring books, and all manner of “art-kits” to take the guesswork out of what to buy. There will be free lessons on YouTube to help educate about the products available.

There will be the option for subscription packages, where project based materials are mailed to you every month. You can follow-along the lesson plans without having to visit an art store.

There will be the option for subscription packages, where project based materials are mailed to you every month. You can follow-along the lesson plans without having to visit an art store.


Grow, Express, & Create at your own pace. There is no wrong way.